We can offer Crazy Low cost internet just for the Edwardsville and surrounding area for WAY less.
Yes, its slower, but hey $$
We have been in the electronics business for over 40 years
We can offer super low cost, low speed internet with the latest state of the art equipment.
Lets see where we can take this.
Proof you can watch HD with low speed Internet
Netflix Warrior Nun at 1080 resolution
Even at 3 mbs, shows such as Hulu, Disney, Netflix, Plex, and more can stream and deliver 720 to 1080 resolution.
What Clients Say
"It's so cheap, I have it for backup for my $100/mo cable
John Doe
Looking for a few good men (or women)
HEY, we are looking for Installers, beta testers, and other people who would be interested in seeing this project succeed. Just drop an email or leave message.
info@breckOnline.com (774) 271-7314